touch paradise

foto bruno barreto

The train from the West goes by fast and it doesn't even stop, there is no stopping it, it runs over everyone following its blind flow. It is progress. Energy comes from profit, it comes from the model of civilization based on capitalism. Profit is the life sucked out of people and nations that are sinking in the midst of toxic waste. It's stolen time. Köck's text admits the absurdity of theater in the face of life, its inability to really change anything. Using different possibilities of structuring writing for the scene, the author goes from the lyrical to the dramatic and the epic, to tell stories crossed by trains. Irony runs through scenic language revealing the critical sediment that the text brings in relation to the Western civilizing trajectory. Cia. Espaço em Branco brings together a group of body artists who have a rich and diverse trajectory, who extrapolate the language of acting in their experiences, but who also dance, do gender activism, who write and make moving images to create Play PARADISE in a residency regime on the stage of the Goethe Institute in Porto Alegre. It is in the proposal of a chorus-body that the characters / speeches proposed by Köck will incarnate. A collective that, nurtured by singularities, grows in a multiple presence that goes beyond the notion of subject. This body / chorus is the double of the audience. On presentation nights we will play PARADISE. Shock and fusion. We want to find a meaning in doing theater, a meaningless meaning, a meaning of many senses based on an inevitable present.
Direction: João de Ricardo - JdR
Text: Thomas Köck
Translation: Christine Höhrig
Cast: Anildo Böes, Eduardo d'Avila, Evelyn Ligocki, Fernanda Carvalho Leite, Iandra Cattani and JdR
Light: JdR and Lucca Simmas
Musicians: Daniel Roittman and Rodrigo Fernandez
Costumes, production and promotion : Cia. Espaço em BRANCO
Videos and photos: Bruno Gularte Barreto
Electrician: Thales Ramsés